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Board Appreciation Month
Board Appreciation Month

Elementary students from Gates Elementary joined Davison High School students for a presentation for School Board Appreciation Month.

Students from Hahn Intermediate led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at the January Board of Education meeting.
Pledge of Allegiance

Students from Hahn Intermediate led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at the January Board of Education meeting.

Students from Mr. Robert Schleicher's class perform during the annual Readers Theatre event.
Readers Theatre

Students from Mr. Robert Schleicher's class perform during the annual Readers Theatre event.

This Central Elementary student has the full attention of her grandparent during the Grandparents Day event.
Central Elementary Grandparents Day

This Central Elementary student has the full attention of her grandparent during the Grandparents Day event.

Thomson Elementary was built in 1959. Named after former superintendent C. J. Thomson, the building today serves Developmental Kindergarten (Early 5s) and Kindergarten students. The building received an "extreme makeover" in 2004 with the addition of a media center and major classroom renovations. More construction followed suit in 2008 with the addition of four classrooms and another two classrooms were built as part of the 2020 Bond project.